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Subang Aerotech Park

Subang Aerotech Park


Bringing Malaysia to the forefront of the industrial-aviation field

On par with Southeast Asia’s best in class, Subang Aerotech Park aims to be the gold standard for Malaysia in industrial park development and management.

Key Features

  • Build-to-suit facility development that caters to industry’s needs, including options for high-spec/high-end, environmentally-friendly buildings focusing on:
    • Manufacturing: Aero structures, components, tools & jigs
    • MRO: Component and engine
    • High-tech/precision engineering
    • Aerospace logistics
    • Research, training & innovation
  • State-of-the-art smart facilities that champions Industry 4.0
  • Gated and guarded with park and facilities management to host aerospace players
  • Greenfield development of approximately 60 acres

For further information and enquiries, drop us an email at szbregeneration [at]

SAP map

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